Learn With Play Kids Activities Ebook
$14.95 Digital Download
Learn with Play is a collaborative ebook from 90+ of the top kid bloggers, featuring learning activities and crafts for around the year!
As a contributor to the book, I am permitted to redistribute this and I thought it would be a really cool addition to the Craft with Anything website, in the spirit of learning with anything!!
NOTE: THE PHOTO SHOWS the physical book, however this is for the EBOOK listing of the same title. You get a PDF ebook.
Your purchase includes two PDF downloads:
- The ebook featuring 150+ activities
- The add-on printables that go with some of the activities.
These cool activities include ideas for learning, for crafting and exploring with things you already have, ideas for holidays as well as plenty of evergreen ideas too, gross motor, fine motor, and sensory play, best for ages toddler through the younger grades.
Description from Amazon:
A GIANT COLLECTION OF HANDS-ON KIDS ACTIVITIES. The perfect book to have on hand for inspiring you on holidays, weekends, or anytime the kids just need something to do! A fun mix of hands-on fun with learning, celebrating, and appreciating family time.
By purchasing you are agreeing to terms of use & license details. In a nutshell: printables may be used for personal or single classroom use. Cut files may be used to make limited end products for sale.
- No AI - Professionally Designed
- Instant Download
- Secure Payments via trusted providers
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